The Blog
I Wish I Had More Time
“I don’t have enough time.”, is that what you say when someone asks about your biggest challenge when it comes to building your business? I did when I started an online business teaching non-Spanish flamenco enthusiasts how to sew their own dance costumes 10 years...
Being a Guest on the Lasting Learning Podcast
I had the pleasure of talking to educator, author and speaker Dave Schmittou for his Lasting Learning Podcast. This is how he introduces the episode: "In this episode, Dave talks with Anke Herrmann, from Spain, the host of the Passion Business Podcast. Anke does an...
Being a Guest on The Mind Takeaway Podcast
Listen to the full episode: If you'd like me as a guest for your podcast check out the details and get in touch here. I had the pleasure of talking...
The Key to Engagement on Social Media
☀️? In a word: Engage! ?☀️ Before you say, "I don't have time to spend hours every day on Facebook chatting with people, I've got work to do, I've got to add value and share my content, get my message out there!" .. hang on a second .. What's the point of creating...
Passion Business Podcast – Episode 16: Alara Vural – Purpose Coach
My guest today is Alara Vural, a purpose coach who helps business owners align their business with their why because she believes that making a authentic meaningful impact in the world is the path to creating deep fulfillment.
Is Your Analytical Mind a Bully?
☀ Is your analytical mind a bully? ☀ I remember the first flamenco performance I saw. I was blown away. The next thing I did was find myself a guitar teacher. I wanted to learn how to play the flamenco guitar. I remember the first class .. “Put your finger here, do...
Passion Business Podcast – Episode 15: Kate E Stokes – WonderlandX
My guest today is Kate E Stokes, coach, filmmaker, writer and creator of WonderlandX, a series of 5 virtual reality movies exploring the human experience. Join us for a behind the scenes look into the creation of this fascinating project.
Have You Absorbed Enough?
☀️ "I have absorbed enough.", is a phrase that came up during my conversation with the simply wonderful Jacquie Forde for her Unashamedly Human Podcast. (It's one of my favourite podcasts and I'm beyond honoured that Jacquie invited me to be a guest.) ☀️ I haven't...
Talking To Jacquie Forde For Her Unashamedly Human Podcast
Thanks to the wonderful Jacquie Forde ( for inviting me to be a guest on her podcast. It's one of my favourite podcasts to listen to so it's been an absolute pleasure and honour to be a guest. We talked about the Spanish "mañana" way of life, how...
The Moment I Knew I Was Going To Leave the IT Industry
I remember the moment I knew I was going to leave the IT industry. In a remote Andes village in Peru a tiny old man explained the sad love story he had carved into the box made from a pumpkin I had just bought from him. When he finished he looked at me with curiosity...
Are You OWNING the Stage of Your Business?
A group of young famenco dancers had finished their performance when an old gypsy woman, who had been accompanying the performance clapping, got up - as if pulled by invisible strings - and started dancing. Seconds later there were standing ovations. I remember...
Passion Business Podcast – Episode 14: Aleksandra and Sanja – S&A Agency
My guests for this inspiring episode were Aleksandra and Sanja, founders of S&A Agency, who help coaches and consultants get more clients through organic LinkedIn marketing.
Especially if you are or thinking of using LinkedIn to grow your business you don’t want to miss this one 🙂 Enjoy!
When you have no time to grow your business
"I'm so frustrated! All I want is make a living from my sewing and I got a total of 2.5 hours of sewing last week!", a client told me the other day. Before you jump to judge .. she's looking after her elderly father and her time is taken up by doctor's appointments. I...
Passion Business Podcast – Episode 13: Mira and Peter Griffiths – The Mind Takeaway
My guests today are Mira and Peter Griffiths who together founded The Mind Takeway. We talk about living through war, changing countries, creating a business with your partner and lots more.
I’d Love To But ..
She'd just moved to a different city. She had a job waiting for her but with it came a heavy "hamster wheel" feeling. When I asked her what she would LOVE to do if she could have anything her response was, "No, I can't. I've got my family to look after." After some...
Are You Bold Enough to Go For What You REALLY Want?
.. or Why I Do What I DoWhen I grew up my grandma was the most important person in my life. She was outgoing, sparkly and she had a million things she would have loved to do but .. .. she never felt she could and she passed away with "her music still inside."...
Passion Business Podcast – Episode 12: “Dr. Bere” – Work You Love Coach
Today’s guest on the Passion Business Podcast is Berenike or “Dr. Bere” who left behind a brilliant career as an attorney in Germany to follow the love of her life to the US where she started her own business dedicated to helping people find meaning and purpose in the work they do.
Passion Business Podcast – Episode 11: Niki Moss Simpson – Shine. Sparkle. Radiate.
Today my guest is Niki Moss Simpson, mum & founder of Shine. Sparkle. Radiate; a well-being and lifestyle initiative empowering
girls and women to live fully vibrant and vital lives through nurturing mindful techniques, holistic therapies, ancient wisdom, coaching and mentoring, workshops, talks and retreat programs.
Passion Business Podcast – Episode 10: Heather Glidden – Chief Sanity Whisperer at The Aligned Healer
Heather Glidden is the Chief Sanity Whisperer at The Aligned Healer. She helps healers in business to find their voice and step into their power so they can make a living doing the work they love without sacrificing themselves. She is the international best-selling author of Thrive In Your Healing Business.
It’s About Patterns – An Unhappy Husband and His Frustrating Job
"She treats me like a rubbish bin, just somewhere to dump all her crap!", he said. Things aren't going well between him and his wife. In fact, he walked out without his phone so she wouldn't be able to locate him. Now he's sitting in a local bar and, after a few...
Mental Health – A Collection of Resources, Not Just For Entrepreneurs
Have you heard of "Smiling depression" or "High-functioning depression"? It describes those who are outwardly cheerful and happy but suffer on the inside ... When you look closely you can see the sadness in their eyes behind the laughter. Depression, anxiety,...
Passion Business Podcast – Episode 9: Jaynie Morris – Founder of BoomerBabesLife
This week’s guest: Jaynie Morris-Riggs – Jaynie Morris
Author, Survivor,Speaker &passionate BabyBoomer Inspiring, Empowering & ‘Shaking Up’Women over 50, Founder of BoomerBabesLife. After being rushed to hospital and given only weeks to live she is now on a mission to jolt people out of “complacency mode”
Podcasting FAQ
So you're considering starting your own podcast. Chances are you have questions 🙂 Chances are they are the same questions I had when I started. Here you'll find my answers. They're based on my experience launching my own podcast and helping clients launch and run...
Passion Business Podcast – Episode 8: Jenny Schmal – Coach, Author of Rejener8 – 8 Steps to Joy
In today’s episode Jenny Schmal, coach and author of the book “Rejener8 – 8 Steps to Joy” joins me to share her remarkable story of resilience, vibrance and joy. Enjoy!
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