Is your analytical mind a bully?

I remember the first flamenco performance I saw. I was blown away.

The next thing I did was find myself a guitar teacher. I wanted to learn how to play the flamenco guitar.

I remember the first class ..

“Put your finger here, do this with your right hand”.

“WHY?”, was all I could think. 

Following instructions if I don’t see why and don’t understand how what I’m doing fits into the bigger picture does NOT come easy to me .. 

(If you’re giggling now you have a strong analytical mind too and this is for you ..)

I tried my best in class but when I got home I did things “properly” – I studied, I practiced, I immersed myself in flamenco. I worked hard and I took it seriously.

I wish I could tell you that over time I became a skilled flamenco guitarist.

I didn’t because I missed a crucial part of the equation ..

#entrepreneurship  #creativity #analyticalminds

PS: In case you’re wondering .. yes, I made the dancer’s dress.

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