The podcast to help free spirits with a passion get traction with their business.

Bite sized thought provocations, practical tips and answers to your questions to take the struggle out of following your heart.

It’s for you if you have left, or plan to leave your corporate career to turn your passion into a business, 

.. if you’re tired of ..

  • “6 steps to 6 figures” programs because they either don’t make sense or didn’t work for you
  • coaches who only teach the strategy that has worked for them

If your background is in IT, engineering, science or teaching we’re likely on the same wave length 🙂 and if you love dogs I already know we’ll get on ..

Go here to subscribe via your favourite podcast app.

Listen to this one first – it tells you in 6 minutes who this podcast is for and what it’s about

Read the transcript here.

In this very first episode I want to give you everything you need to know to decide whether to subscribe to this podcast or move on.

I talk about who it’s for, why on earth you’d want to listen to me anyway, and what to expect.

I’d love to hear from you! Get in touch to let me know what’s on your mind, what resonates, what you’d love to hear about. Let’s make this a conversation <3

Is this YOU?

📌 You have (or plan to start) your own business

📌 You’re a creative (e.g. sewing professional, photographer, jewelry maker, designer etc.), healer / therapist / coach, writer, yoga / taichi teacher etc.

📌 You have an idea you can’t get out of your head .. could be for a product/service, a course, an event, a podcast, or an entire business

.. something you’d LOVE to bring to life IF YOU KNEW HOW.

📌 I’d love you as a guest.

If you have a #WildIdea you’d love to see take shape get the details and apply to be a podcast guest here.

I'd love to hear from you - your thoughts, comments & questions

6 + 4 =

Recent Episodes

Exploring #WildIdeas: Ben Cattaneo – How to Take Risks Intelligently, Embrace Uncertainty and Make Better Decisions

Exploring #WildIdeas: Ben Cattaneo – How to Take Risks Intelligently, Embrace Uncertainty and Make Better Decisions

My guest for this episode is a risk management professional, podcast host, endurance athlete and martial artist. He currently works as Chief Risk Advisor for a major telecoms company in the UK and has over fifteen years of professional experience in risk management.

But .. his passion for risk and uncertainty goes beyond this .. and that’s what we talk about in this conversation.

His #WildIdea is a logical extension of the work he does, and his fascination with randomness, risk and uncertainty.

Don’t Be a Slave to the Instant Validation Monkey

Don’t Be a Slave to the Instant Validation Monkey

I often say to people .. be prepared .. this will likely take a lot longer than you think .. and part of the intention for the Passion Business Podcast is to demonstrate that through the stories my guests share
.. and everybody agrees, in theory everybody knows it .. until .. they’ve written 3 posts on LinkedIn with little engagement and wonder whether they should go on because “it’s just not working”
So .. How much effort are you prepared to put into your business before you expect a return in the form of some type of recognition?
How long before you feel disappointed and discouraged when you don’t get the support or validation you hoped for?

You can’t see around corners!

You can’t see around corners!

Most of my guests on the Passion Business Podcast share how they started in one direction and then something happened, they met someone or learned something that put them onto an entirely different path.

So I want to remind you that you won’t be able to see the entire path ahead of you.

Where the heck is “out there”?

Where the heck is “out there”?

Are you looking for ways to sell more? Are you looking for ways to get your message or product or service out there, in front of more people?

This episode is for you 🙂

It’s Not a Race

It’s Not a Race

How long it takes to build a business depends on a lot of different factors. What if getting to a certain level of success faster wasn’t necessarily better?

It’s Not a Straight Line, It’s a Spiral

It’s Not a Straight Line, It’s a Spiral

Building your business isn’t a series of steps to follow to reach your goals. It’s more beautiful and exciting than that.

If you’ve ever gone through a business building program but didn’t get results this one is for you.

7 Pet Peeves

7 Pet Peeves

7 myths about business building that set wrong expectations and make life as a business owner unnecessarily difficult.

Curious How A Podcast Can Help You Grow YOUR Business?

Starting your podcast isn’t difficult, but there are a few things you need to do in the right order, and quite a few options to explore and decisions to be made for it to be a success.

In this FREE guide you'll get a birds eye view of what's involved - planning, recording, editing, publishing/promoting - so you can decide whether starting your own podcast is for you 

Check out my other podcast too:

The Passion Business Podcast

.. the podcast to inspire, empower and support free spirits with a big idea, a project or craft they’re passionate about and want to turn into a business so that they can spend their time and make a living doing meaningful work.

 Listen to ordinary people like you and me share their stories of creating their passion business and see ..

  • it probably takes longer than you thought,
  • it involves plenty of twists and turns,
  • it’s more challenging but also more rewarding than you imagined.

Basically, we’ll crush the “6 figures in 6 weeks following someone’s 6 step proven success formula” myth, one episode at a time. And you’ll see how that’s really good news and that you have what it takes to build YOUR passion business.

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