Actually, in one of the recent episodes of the Don't just learn, CREATE! podcast I talk about just this topic .. 

You don't have to have it all figured out

“If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.” – Carl Jung

Rich Litvin shared this today with his email list, and I'm sharing it here because it is so important to remember, no matter what your journey is.

As humans, we crave certainty.

Just think of all the things we do to avoid the unknown..

The thing is, in order to innovate, to create anything – from a drawing all the way to a business – we HAVE to step into unexplored territory.

The path WILL unfold in front of you, you'll always see enough to decide the next move.

But you have to start walking, one tiny step at a time.

Literally every guest I've had on the Passion Business Podcast has shared a story of setting out in one direction and then changing tack, adjusting and adapting as things evolved for them.

I'd love to hear your story. What have you created that you didn't think you would?

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