The first time I set up my sewing room, full of enthusiasm, I put the sewing machine onto a computer desk with wheels so I could make the best use of the space. I set up a cutting table with the cutting mat and rotary cutter my mum had bought for me.

When I started sewing I quickly realized that the machine on the computer desk vibrated so badly that it was impossible to sew a straight seam. Lesson learned.

The blade of the rotary cutter needed constant sharpening. Cutting out a dress like that is slow and frustrating.

When an experienced seamstress came to visit, she saw the rotary cutter and laughed.

“Why don’t you get an electric one?”

I didn’t know electric cutters existed. Getting one literally cut the time it took me to make a dress in half ..

The thing is, when we start out or move on to a new level in business, we just don’t know what we don’t know. So we soldier on with what we have .. or find a better solution.

Same with online tech .. you can’t ask for what you don’t know exists .. if you feel you’re not working efficiently get in touch, let’s have a chat. It might save you hours of time and frustration.

(In case you’re wondering … no, the room in the pic isn’t mine, no sewing room that’s actually used for sewing looks that tidy, ever 🙂

Finding Online Tech Frustrating?

Have you ever had an idea for a website, an online course, a workshop, a retreat, a podcast, or an entire business but gave up on it because of the online tech involved in making it happen?

Maybe you dreaded even getting started, or maybe you did start but found it was like opening a can of worms - the moment you figured out one issue, three other questions opened up, and frustration set in.

What if there was a map to show you the path through the online tech jungle?

Well, that's what the book is all about. Get your copy on Amazon worldwide, as paperback or Kindle, plus access to the FREE resource vault + community to help you tame YOUR tech monster.

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