? Words That Sell ? is the name of Kim Willis‘ podcast and I’m grateful for the invitation to be a guest on the show.
This is how Kim introduced the episode:
“Today’s guest is Anke Herrmann. Anke is a Passion Business Coach, Podcast host, Certified Clarity Coach (& Mentor), online tech-loving geek, teacher, dressmaker, and crazy dog lady.
In 2004 she quit her IT job in the UK and moved to the south of Spain to start a sewing business. With nothing more than plenty of enthusiasm and a love for sewing, it didn’t take long before she built a thriving business.
And then she launched a new business in a new niche.
Today she brings her curiosity, creativity, intuition, plus her analytical mind, business, and tech knowledge to the table to help others turn their passion into a business.
We covered:
– How she relocated to another country and created income out of thin air
– Ways to use creativity to solve problems
– How knowledge gained in one industry can be leveraged into a new income in another industry.
– Why always pleasing people will inhibit your growth (and how to overcome it)
– Her favorite ways to find clients (Hint: 100% online)
– Why too much planning can be a bad thing
– How to get comfortable with discomfort and banish fear”
Listen to the episode here: https://kimwillis.net/episode-7-spanish-adventure-with-anke-herrmann/