? Learning is connecting something unknown to something known .. why online tech can be hard no matter how smart you are ?

When I lived in the historic part of Granada (south of Spain) every time I took the dogs out for a walk I’d bump into frustrated tourists who’d gotten lost in the maze of cobblestone alleyways, desperately trying to figure out how to get back to the hotel.

I was exactly the same when I first moved there.

It took a while to find my bearings. After a while I recognized enough reference points to always know where I was and how to get home.

It’s the same with anything new .. a language, online tech, building a business

.. when you have no or very few reference points that connect the unknown to something known for you you’ll feel disoriented. It’s frustrating and it’s easy to get discouraged.

but ..

.. it doesn’t mean you’re stupid

.. it doesn’t mean you can’t learn

It just means your reference points are in a different area and you’ve got a bit more work to do.

Or you can get a map.

If you’re new to online tech, or new to building a business altogether and want a map get in touch, I can help with that.

.. so you stick around long enough for your efforts to pay off.

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