I remember trying to teach my dog to “stay”.
Treats in hand I followed the instructions but he didn’t get it.
I noticed him being nervous and confused. I noticed myself getting frustrated.
Turns out, I was going too far too fast. I realized I’d skipped crucial steps ..
.. sit, lay down for a second, stay for a couple of seconds, stay with me standing somewhere else, stay a little longer, stay with someone else walking by etc.
.. Lots of small steps were necessary for the pup to learn the “simple stay” (don’t even think to say my dog is stupid ??)
Each step builds upon the previous one.
Skipping steps makes life so much harder.
So if you have ever sat down to
– write or update copy for your website
– write content for social media
– create an online course or other product/offering
but found yourself staring at a blank page, unfocused or unhappy with what you come up with ..
.. What if that doesn’t mean you’re crap at writing or creating products?
What if it’s simply a signal that you’re trying to skip a few steps?
Would love to hear your thoughts!