Hi Anke!
What prompted you to book the session?
I always knew that I wanted to start my own business, but it always seemed like a little more than I could handle. When I decided that it was time to go for it, I knew I needed to talk to someone who’d been there before. Anke was offering to share her experience and give advice on how I could get started without feeling overwhelmed. Talking with her was a no-brainer!
How were you feeling before our coaching session?
Before the coaching session, I was a little nervous. I wasn’t really sure what we would talk about or what advice Anke would have for me. I wasn’t sure what questions to even ask or what to expect, but I quickly found out there was no need to worry! Anke made the conversation flow naturally and we covered a lot of ground!
How did you feel afterwards?
Honestly, I felt relieved. I’d been so stressed out and anxious about starting my own business. But with Anke’s advice and experience, she made me remember that I only need to take one step at a time. I felt energized and motivated to get to work on my new business!
What have been 2-3 specific insights or ideas you got as a result of our conversation?
1. I just need to pick one thing to start. I’ve been overwhelmed by all that needs to get done to start a business, but really, Anke reminded me, I just need to choose one piece to begin.
2. I need to stop worrying about negative reactions that might not come. I’m so worried that people will be displeased with the product and how I’ll handle it that it’s stopping me from putting the product together in the first place. Yes, I will get negative feedback at some point, but I shouldn’t expect that to be the norm. And when it does come, I can deal with it then.
3. Selling a product isn’t always about how it’s going to increase someone’s sales. Sometimes a product or service is more about making someone’s life easier. Saving time or energy, or having a skill that someone else doesn’t can be just as valuable at statistics.
How do you think this kind of conversation could help someone trying to build a creative business?
I think as a creative person, the “business” side of starting my own company was really weighing me. Accounting is definitely not my forte. It can be very overwhelming! But Anke reminded me that it’s all about just putting one foot in front of the other and tackling one goal at a time. It’s always great to have a sounding board to bounce ideas off of. And when that person has already been through the creation and development of their own business, they’re able to give a unique perspective. That’s an amazing resource. I’m so grateful to Anke for spending the time to help me get my business started!
What prompted me to book the session?
There are lots of personal development people out there to follow, there are not a lot of people that focus on how to help with the business that I already have and that understand the unique challenges of running a sewing business.
How was I feeling before the session?
I was looking forward to the session, but not sure what to expect.
How did I feel after?
Wow! I connected with Anke as an artist, seamstress and woman right away. We had so much in common.
Then I began to worry that with our mutual interests that we were just talking and sharing, within moments of that thought Anke used my own words and stories to teach me and show me how I can use my experience to help myself. Anke had been carefully listening to everything I shared with her, and used those examples to show me not to be afraid of not having all the answers for my clients, that I had the experience and the power to find their answers and my own. With her use of imagery, I was able to see that methods of attracting my own clients, instead of always working though designers, were possible. I was able to step out of my box and see how I could focus on clients that I was comfortable working directly with. By making and keeping a list of my desired client, I will be able to avoid a high needs, demanding or overbearing client (my worst fear) We also spoke of other streams of income that I had never considered before, Anke gently pushed me to consider expanding on my passion for costumes. I have always avoided dance costumes as I do not like working with spandex, yet I had not considered that there are many other forms of dance that I could look at costuming! I am thrilled with all the “work” that Anke helped me with, yet not for one minute did our conversation feel like work or did I feel like I was overwhelmed. I 100% believe that Anke could help anyone with her thoughtful, intuitive and brilliant examples and conversation!
It was really great talking with you. I came to you in a bout of confusion about what to do with my business and how to get it off the ground. After our talk, I am realizing that it is not a skill set or money holding me back but my own mental blocks. I am now focusing more on what makes me more creative, and not on all the minute details that are keeping me from being truly productive.
Thanks again!