The other day someone asked in a group

“What did you want to do when you were young?
Are you doing it?
Are you happy?”

Then he shared his answers ..

He wanted to be a scientist, or photographer, but then stumbled into a sales career. He’s doing well but no, he’s not happy, not at all.

But he now needs the safety of that job .. so he’s unhappy with no way out.

I hear stories like that often.

I help people start their own passion based business, once they’ve made the decision to go for that dream they have.

And that time from the first spark of an idea to making the decision to go for it is always what comes before that.

Taking that leap is scary for a lot of people. They feel they’re throwing themselves off a cliff.

But I’d like to raise a couple of questions worth thinking about.

The first thing to question is .. the safety of that job .. how secure is it really?

When I worked in IT there was always a risk of a project being cancelled or outsourced to someone cheaper, the risk of 2 departments merging and our jobs no longer needed .. I really felt starting my own business was the best way of creating “job security” for myself.

The other thing I want you to have a closer look at is, what does “going for your dream” really mean?

There seems to be an idea that you’ve got to quit your job and throw yourself into this new business with no money, no experience and no idea how to make a living doing this new thing before you end up homeless in the streets.

The thing is, there are loads of different ways to go about it, and quitting your job as the first step doesn’t make sense for most people.

What if “going for your dream” meant nothing more and nothing less than committing to starting the transition, committing to taking a tiny step towards your dream every day, to start walking.

I’d love to hear from you!

If you’ve already started your own business how did you go about it? If you’d love to but haven’t made the decision yet what makes it difficult?

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