This dog raised me.

Well, not alone of course 😉

Bodo. He was the dog my dad had begged his parents to get when he was a child. He stayed with my grandparents when dad left for uni.

When I was born dad hadn’t finished uni. Mum had to go back to work weeks after giving birth and I grew up with my grandparents, and Bodo.

Grandma used to tell me that he was right there next to her when she put me to sleep, woke me up, fed me, played with me ..

I remember photos of the two of us sharing a blow up kids pool in summer.

He passed away at the age of 13.

I believe that my love for and strong connection to dogs is thanks to him.

I didn’t have my own dog until I was 40. Never wanted a dog to be home alone all day while I’m out working. Leo came into my life when I finally had my own business that allowed me to work from home.

The rest is history so to say .. 15 years later, Leo is still the boss around here. Cai and Hada joined the family and have contributed to my “training” in their own way .. ❤❤❤

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