Last week I bought a car from a young couple. As we were chatting – about the car and driving in general – the girl told me that she’s had a driver’s licence for 3 years but doesn’t drive.
She says she feels overwhelmed, there is just too much to pay attention to, and she’s scared of making a costly mistake.
She’s scared so she doesn’t drive.
The fear and the overwhelm are common when we haven’t mastered a skill yet.
I remember both fear and overwhelm clearly when I first got my driver’s licence and many years later, when I got a scooter to zip around town in Granada.Β
On the way to the garage, my mind would come up with a million reasons why it was much simpler and safer to just walk .. but I didn’t. Call me stubborn .. I really wanted the flexibility of moving around without depending on anything and anybody. And ..
Because there is only one remedy – kilometers.
With the kilometers, actions like changing gears become second nature and no longer require conscious attention. That’s when everything gets easier and we start to relax until one day we wonder what all the fuss was about.
But it requires us to get those kilometers under out belts, regardless of the fear – one baby step at a time.
There is LEARNING the thing, and there is DOING the thing.
The learning process might not be comfortable but that doesn’t say anything about how much we’ll enjoy the skill once mastered..
In my experience, the same is true for
π creating videos
π public speaking in general
π writing
π sales conversations
π playing an instrument
π learning a language
π setting up email automations or updating a website (yep, it does apply to tech stuff too π
.. anything really.
What about you?
Do you let fear stop you from “clocking the kilometers” that make all the difference?
If online tech is one of those things for you ..
If the overwhelm and frustration of learning it all is too much and you end up not creating what you really want to create, or you try to outsource it all but find it doesn’t give you the results you were hoping for, Let’s have a conversation. I can help.