Need a Path Through the Online Tech Jungle to Get Your Offering Online, or Some Tech ZEN to Solve an Issue?

In the current situation, if you run your own business you fall into 1 of 4 categories:

  1. Your regular product or service cannot be offered online and you have to find a new offering to keep going
  2. You can bring your offering online (e.g. events, courses, coaching, classes) but need to figure out how to best do that
  3. You’ve already been working online but need to find more efficient tools and processes so you can stay on top of things
  4. Your online business runs like a well oiled machine.

If you fall in group 1,2 or 3 I can help you move your business online in the simplest, most efficient way, so you can continue supporting your clients and earn money while we’re getting through this global crisis.

We don’t know what life will look like after the worst is over but it’s fair to assume that offering services ONLINE will remain crucial.

So if building or updating that website, starting that podcast, creating that online course, organizing that online workshop etc. has been on your “One day I’ll get around to it” list and it’s now urgent to get moving this package is right for you to get started.

At this time it’s not about being sophisticated or overthinking details, it’s about having a functional solution as quickly and as simply as possible. It’s about being creative and resourceful, about taking a step back and thinking out of the box to allow you to move forward fast.

I’m offering a small package of 3 video (zoom) calls at a reduced rate in times of crisis to

  • review what you’ve been offering and how
  • come up with options for what exactly to offer online and what tools to best use to make it happen as quickly and simply as possible, based on what you already have and know
  • create a clear action plan, so you know exactly what to do next and how
  • start implementing your action plan

Got questions? Please ask.

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