Jenny is a friend, a coach and the author of a book called “Rejener8 – 8 Steps to Joy”. In today’s episode she shares her remarkable story with us and gives us a taste of her resilience, vibrance and joy.

As always, if there is a topic you’d love me to talk about, or know someone who’d be a great guest, or you’d love to be a guest yourself get in touch, leave a comment below, contact me via email or social media. I’d love to hear from you!

Get in touch with Jenny

Here is an introduction to her book ..
Connect with Jenny at

Meet Jenny Schmal - Coach & Author of "Rejener8 - 8 Steps to Joy"

What is blocking your Joy?

It is in the moments where we are down to nothing.. We can rebirth recall rebuild reframe redefine reshape and Rejener8…. The ability to grow strong again and rejoice – an expression of Self- Love … 

This is how she describes her work:

“A Fast-Track Reset process to address the cause – the separation from who you are.

You are not broken and you don’t need to be fixed.
You are perfect, but somewhere, sometime, you have assumed beliefs that you have to change or improve in order to achieve whatever you desire in life.
We don’t work to change you, we work to change the beliefs.
Each belief you have assumed has taken you further from loving yourself, and, therefore, further from what you want to achieve.
The road back to self-love is fast; that’s why I call it Reset Coaching.
Why resign yourself to months of painfully slow change, when you already know the route back to you?
Since you know the route, I am simply the facilitator, the guide to your journey.
The Principles of Returning to Self-Love apply to all aspects of my work”

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