“When we’re growing up no one tells us that life is not a straight line”

Meet Patty Block

Patty founded The Block Group in 2006 to empower women business owners who are experts in their fields. Having seen the same struggles time and again, Patty helps women fine-tune their operations and scale their revenue for strategic growth.
The result is a partnership of unbiased accountability, helping women position their companies–financially, operationally, technologically–for game-changing results.
Her life journey–the good and the bad–allows her to course-correct clients by leading and advising with compassion, empathy, and quiet resolve.
Patty raised three fantastic kids, all of whom have launched their careers and also work in Patty’s company (she essentially raised her own workforce!)
Are you a women business owner who is an expert in your field? Do you wonder…
✦ why you aren’t generating more revenue?
✦ what’s keeping you stuck?
✦ how to fix this painful problem?
My Revenue Roadblocks Quiz will help you discover what’s in your way and how to knock down those roadblocks! https://myrevenueroadblocks.com/


In a lively, fun and inspiring conversation we explored ..

  • teaching women how to price their services for value
  • how she started her own political consulting company and after 8 years of growing it why she had to close it
  • what motivated her to be a resource for other women business owners
  • the programs she has at the moment to help women entrepreneurs

and much more. Enjoy!

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As always, if there is a topic you’d love me to talk about, or know someone who’d be a great guest, or you’d love to be a guest yourself get in touch, leave a comment below, contact me via email or social media. I’d love to hear from you!

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All proceeds to go a local animal shelter. I love podcasting and I love dogs .. what better way to combine the two?

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