“95% Is Out of Your Control but 5% you CAN control, and that’s where the 3 habits come in…”

Meet Simon Severino
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnSFgJd0CrsEdQdO21txR2A
In a lively, fun and inspiring conversation we explored ..
- how love took him from Italy to Vienna
- his own experience lead to choosing the clients he works with – SaaS, professional services agencies
- his first job at a global consultancy – an eldorado of learning
- how being young and fearless brought invaluable opportunities
- his core guiding question: So how can I align what I do more with who I am?
- how he got his first client as a freelance consultant
- the biggest realization that allowed him to really grow his business
- You cannot control anything. 95% are out of your control, but 5% you can control – the power of the three habits
- the power of momentum
- they key to success: doubling down on what you’re already good at
- the expansion of Strategy Sprints globally
and much more. Enjoy!
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