“I have used all the things I have learned along the way to get me to where I am today.”

Rob Fortier for the Passion Business Podcast

Get in touch with Ben

Website: touchedandtransformed.com

Meet Ben Saltzman

Ben Saltzman, MA. is an igniter of human potential, the coaches coach, an internationally known World Class facilitator, shadow dancer, fortune 500 leadership trainer, coach to spiritually minded multi-millionaire entrepreneurs, and designer of the year long Relational Mastery Course for Emerging Leaders.
Ben has a Masters Degree in Organizational Development from John F. Kennedy University where he teaches regularly, he taught seminars in the Enneagram and Transformational Coaching at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, and co-founded the Israeli Enneagram Center in Tel Aviv, Israel where he facilitates the master level classes.
Thousands of people from many countries have been through his seminars in the past 20 years. His coaching clients have raised hundreds of millions of dollars for projects that support the environment and social justice causes.
In corporate America he’s passed from CEO to CEO behind closed doors and referred to as “That Magic Coach.”
Past clients include: Hewlett Packard, The Gap, Levi Strauss, the United States Airforce, Guidant, Broadview, Intel Corp., Hunt Oil, Exar, BOSCH, The Global Fund for Women, Capricorn Investments, and numerous high profile entrepreneurs.

In a lively, fun and inspiring conversation we explored ..

  • how Ben’s childhood experiences made him what he is today
  • how our ancestor’s types gets reinforced to ourselves
  • how he supports the different types of Enneagram and their critical transformation
  • and discovered my  Enneagram type 😊

and much more. Enjoy!

As always, if there is a topic you’d love me to talk about, or know someone who’d be a great guest, or you’d love to be a guest yourself get in touch, leave a comment below, contact me via email or social media. I’d love to hear from you!

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All proceeds to go a local animal shelter. I love podcasting and I love dogs .. what better way to combine the two?

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