Letting the air out of the baloon before it pops

In a beautiful conversation between like-minded souls Mayda shares

  • her multi-cultural upbringing
  • how being a good student lead her to a renowned university, from there to prestigous jobs in Paris, London and New York City
  • the quiet inner voice that kept interrupting the “perfect” life
  • how she wanted to get out but “the game” kept sucking her back in
  • the cancer diagnosis that should have stopped her but didn’t
  • the phone call that DID make her leave her Wall Street job
  • the journey of reflection and self-discovery that lead her to the work she does now



Meet Mayda Poc

From Wall Street to International Life and Career Coach for Executives in Finance, Law Firms and fast-paced industries.

Multi-cultural, multi-disciplinarian – after more than 15 years in the Financial industry, working in Paris, London and New York City, Mayda left Investment Banking and Wall Street to become an international life and career coach, focusing on helping executives find more zen, fulfillment and purpose in their daily lives and in their careers.

Today, Mayda is a coach and a certified hypnosis practitioner based in New York City. She specializes in life coaching and career coaching, and uses multiple modalities including hypnosis, in her practice.

And she’s a co-author of  “Your Inner Evolution: The Courage to Create the Life You Desire”

As always, if there is a topic you’d love me to talk about, or know someone who’d be a great guest, or you’d love to be a guest yourself get in touch, leave a comment below, contact me via email or social media. I’d love to hear from you!

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Starting your podcast isn’t difficult, but there are a few things you need to do in the right order, and quite a few options to explore and decisions to be made for it to be a success.

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Being interviewed on podcasts is the quickest and 100% non-sleezy way to tell the world about your passion business.

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If you’d love to get more interviews the FREE “Top 5 Actionable Tips To Help You Get Podcast Interviews .. even if you’re just starting out” is for you. Check it out here.

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