Passion Business
Watch Me Coach
If you’ve never had a coach it’s hard to imagine what coaching actually looks like. And even if you have had an experience, each coach is different and has a different way of working with clients.
The best way to get a real idea, other than being coached yourself, is watching someone else have a session.
.. and you never know, something that’s said might spark an idea in you or help you have an insight that shifts a challenge you’ve been dealing with.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Get in touch and let me know.
Would You Like To Be On the Hotseat?
If you’d like to not just watch but experience what it’s like to be coached get in touch. Getting on the hotseat is perfect for those moments when you feel stuck – in your business or personal life – when you feel you can’t see the forest for the trees and could use a new perspective to be able to move forward.
You don’t even need a “problem”, you might just want to explore what’s possible for you from a new angle.
Or you might feel “in the dumps” and not knowing what on earth you’re doing and how to move forward.
Working things out by yourself often means having the same thoughts over and over again, like continuously stirring a pot of soup .. talking to a coach is like adding new ingredients in order to change the taste of the soup 🙂
It doesn’t cost you anything other than about 1 hour of your time, and you must be willing for the video to be published here.
Sounds like fun?
On the hotseat: Jill C Brown
for the Show Not Tell podcast hosted by Ronan Leonard from Eccountability. The idea: Ronan invites guests, in this case me, who – instead of talking about their area of expertise – demonstrate it in real time.
Watch me coach Jill C Brown from Advance Life Coaching who is changing direction with her coaching business. Lots of fragments of ideas about what to do next felt like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle thrown on the floor. She couldn’t see the whole picture, how all those pieces fit together, and as a consequence didn’t know how to move forward.
Jill has also been a fabulous guest on the Passion Business Podcast. Click here to check out the episode.
On the hotseat: Jenny Schmal
When you have a business idea that’s been on your mind for some time but for some reason you’re not taking action to move it forward ..
To find out more about Jenny go to
She was also a fabulous guest on the Passion Business Podcast. You can listen to the episode here.
On the Ingenious Sewing Professionals hotseat: Aby Taylor from Vintage Recollections
We’re talking about ways to market her business that don’t take up all her time.
On the Ingenious Sewing Professionals Hotseat: Eileen Barrientos Carvajal
.. about getting started. What to offer and where to get those first orders from, especially living in a remote area.
On the Ingenious Sewing Professionals Hotseat: Traci Anderson
.. about getting back into sewing and fitting her sewing business into her life as a mum of 3 kids.

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