☀ Do you ever have doubts?
Doubts whether
- What you REALLY want in life is even possible for you?
- Your business has a chance of success?
- You’re good enough to offer what you offer, to charge what you’re charging?
Maybe you’re on the wrong path, maybe you’re not cut out for it.
Someone in a group asked the other day, “What do you do when you feel lost in self-doubt?”
It had me reflect ..
Doubt really only means you’re not sure about something .. so keep walking until you know!
The thing is, doubt is just a thought and thoughts are transient. They pass through on their own, like clouds, if you let them.
☀ Something else I’ve noticed ..
Everyone has doubts, even people I admire say they sometimes wake up in the morning wondering whether they’re up for the task at hand.
So there is no “cut off mark”, no level of success that liberates you from doubt.
But when you realize that doubt doesn’t tell you anything about what’s going on in your life it’s easier not to take it seriously, a bit like, oh well it’s raining .. no big deal.
So my question for you .. what do YOU do when doubt strikes?
PS: If you find yourself stuck in a doubt loop, or unsure about how to move forward in your business let’s talk. I can help.