Have you heard of “Smiling depression” or “High-functioning depression”? It describes those who are outwardly cheerful and happy but suffer on the inside … When you look closely you can see the sadness in their eyes behind the laughter.

Depression, anxiety, overthinking, stress, addictions, self-harm, suicidal thoughts – people from all walks of life suffer, often in silence, often hidden even from the people closest to them.

I noticed I’d often put together lists of resources – for a friend’s daughter, a neighbour, a random guy in a bar drunk enough to share his struggles, and I can only come up with recommendations quickly because I’ve spoken to so many people in need, and because of the training I’m grateful to have received.

It was time to put the most impactful podcasts, videos and books together in one place.

Mental health isn’t the focus of my work but ..

.. I chose a coach training program that wasn’t just the normal life or business coach training, I chose one that’s based on an understanding of the mind that’s proving very helpful, especially but not exclusively for people struggling with mental health issues.

Nothing “woo woo” ?  – simple, helpful, powerful.

And I was fortunate to be mentored by Dr. Mark Howard, a well known psychiatrist, for a year. Not long ago I was involved in a conference colleagues in Devon organized on the topic of Mental Wellbeing for Young People.

Bottom line, I know people who do amazing work in that area and I’ve compiled a list of resources that I trust will be helpful if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues.

The list below is only the tip of the iceberg (who needs resource overwhelm? 🙂 There are plenty more podcasts, videos and books I can whole-heartedly recommend.

If you were only to look at one thing get the “The Relationship Handbook”. This book is life changing. And if you’re up for another one, subscribe to the Caffeine for the Soul podcast – a few minutes each Monday that will change the way you experience your life for the better.

If you have any questions, if you’d like to know more or have a conversation please get in touch.

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If you’re curious, got questions or want to find out more about what all these people talk about get in touch.

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