When you’ve been in the game for ages and the thought that you’ve got another 20+ years of the same ahead of you makes you want to jump off a cliff but turning around to start something brand new seems impossible to do (and a giant waste of the time already invested in your current career) it’s easy to forget that …

doing what you know is not “safer” than starting something new. Yes, the new project might fail but your current situation can also take an unexpected turn. The new project is not riskier, you just don’t know yet where it’ll take you but then .. you never really know what’s going to happen.

skills and experience are never wasted, no matter how different your new career or business might be – I live in Spain now so I use the languages constantly, I sew for flamenco dancers so I get to do what used to be my favourite hobby, I build my own websites and help other creative entrepreneurs with theirs, as a coach I help clients understand how their mind works so that they can work with it rather than against it or try to control it .. which often reminds me of the psychology classes I loved when I first started uni etc.

nobody has ever looked back at their life and regretted following their heart ..

So if you think it’s too late to start something new I ask just one thing – think again.

If you’re not even sure where you’d love to take your life start with allowing yourself to consider that it’s possible to “change tack”. Ask yourself what you’d do with your life if you won the lottery and never had to work again.

If you’d like help getting clear on where to go next in your life feel free to get in touch and join my facebook group “What makes you come most alive? Do that.

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