She’d just moved to a different city. She had a job waiting for her but with it came a heavy “hamster wheel” feeling.

When I asked her what she would LOVE to do if she could have anything her response was, “No, I can’t. I’ve got my family to look after.”

After some serious digging her whole posture changed when she said, “I’d love to be a yoga teacher.”, immediately followed by, “but I can’t because ..”.

Of course, she couldn’t start teaching yoga tomorrow, without training, without a studio etc. But she could get her butt onto a yoga mat that day.. she could just start walking in that direction, one step at a time, with eyes open for opportunities.

Dreams can take a million shapes, and there are a million ways to go about living them. Of course, it may not be a great time to go on a solo sailing trip around the world when you’re caring for your aging parents but most people certainly could find a way to live true to themselves AND care for their people.

If they dare to consider the possibility that is ..

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