❥”I want a podcast but I need to find a way to monitize it.”

You don’t want another thing on your to-do list if it doesn’t move the needle for your business.

Yes but ..

The one thing that moves the needle faster and further than anything else is CONNECTION ..

.. connection to people who can become your clients, who can refer clients to you, or who can help you expand your ideas and create a better business.

Building a connection and trust online isn’t as easy to achieve as face to face, and one of the most effective ways to create a sense of intimacy with guests and listeners is

.. a podcast.

There are lots of benefits to having a podcast but quick and direct ROI is not one of them.

Paul Higgins said the other day that his podcast is his “golden marketing asset” and I agree.

If you’re focusing on listener statistics and sponsors before ever producing a single audio, or giving up after 5 or 10 episodes if they haven’t yet translated into clients, I think you’re missing out.

Remember the Marshmallow Experiment? The power of delayed gratification: One treat now or 2 treats later ..

If instant gratification is your thing a podcast might not be for you.

If you can hang in there you will be rewarded generously 🙂

If you’re curious about starting your own podcast start here.

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