This video was inspired by a question someone in the Ingenious Sewing Professionals Facebook group asked.

If you’re starting or growing a small sewing business and would like to join others for free on facebook find us here …

Don’t watch of you expect the contact details of some generous rich person to call ?

Do watch if you’re curios about a mindset shift that will make finding someone to fund your project a lot easier, no matter who you ask.

    Key Points:

    • Nobody just gives money away – it’s your job to help potential investors see what’s in it for them
    • Nobody buys ideas – an idea is nothing but air until you take action and bring it to life. Until a potential investor sees that you’re serious about your project and have what it takes to make it a success they will feel too uncertain to fund it.
    • Do what you can with what you have – what’s the next step you can take with the resources – time, skills, money etc. you have available now?
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