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This is the Exploring #WildIdeas series where my guests share an idea they can’t get out of their head, something they’d love to create for their business if they just knew if and how to move forward.
Together we explore it and flesh it out to give it enough shape for the way forward to become obvious.

Meet Elizabeth Nostedt

My guest for this episode is a Senior Project Manager in IT and Business projects, working in Sweden. She’s been a Toastmaster for over 25 years and helped to get Toastmasters going in Europe. She is also a certified Coach and weaves in coaching, training and project management in most things she does.

Her idea has been on her mind on and off for quite some time. At some point she had her own business as a speaker and teaching others to be better speakers.

In our conversation we explored a new, exciting path she can take, and who knows, it might just lead her to the stage to give her TED talk.

If YOU have a wild idea you’d love to explore you can get the details here.

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