This video was first published as a facebook live in my group “What Makes You Come Most Alive? Do That.“
If you just know that there is more to life than going through the motions, 9-5, counting the days until it’s Friday, if you just know that you need to follow your heart, do what you love, even if it stretches you, I’d love to connect with you there.
When you just know.
The kind of knowing that bypasses the rational mind.
Intuition. Wisdom. Whatever you call it. Know what it feels like and don’t ignore it! And don’t let anybody talk you out of it, not even you!
I just got back from a few days in the UK. I went to speak at a conference (“Short Talks” organized by Coaching Connect in Devon, watch my talk here).
“You fly over there for a 15 minute talk???”
I just knew it was going to be awesome and it was.
“You are going to quit a perfectly fine IT job to move to Spain and start a sewing business without knowing anything about either????”
“Yes!” I’m glad I didn’t listen to all the people who told me it wasn’t possible.
It was the same when I got my dogs and there seemed to be something missing from all the common dog training approaches. Then I found Natural Dog Training.
“What’s that all about?”
“I can’t explain it in words but I know.” And the dogs know.
It happens with people too. Sometimes you just know that how you feel about someone won’t change, no matter what happens.
When the logical mind cannot catch up, yours and that of the people around you, it is easy to talk yourself or let other people talk you out of what you KNOW.