(rant alert ?)

I saw a post the other day from someone promoting an event in a fb group.

Hardly any response.

Chances are that confirms in her mind that “social media are a waste of time”.

“I have more important things to do than writing comments on social media.”

Like promoting an event.

Doesn’t look like that’s working.

And it isn’t surprising. Engagement usually goes hand in hand with engaging.

How do you react to posts from people who

– only appear once in a while, or even worse daily, to promote an event or product
– don’t respond if you leave a comment
– don’t engage with what anyone else is posting?

.. if you’re like most people you scroll straight past. Nobody likes the friends who only show up when they want something, so busy with their own stuff that they don’t show any interest in what anyone else is doing.

Nothing wrong with focus. But if you want those people you don’t have time to engage with to attend your event or buy your stuff, it might be time to try a different approach.

What are your thoughts on this?

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