Do you have a strategic thinking partner?

Do you have someone, an integrator, who helps you expand, focus, flesh out your business ideas and then helps you bring them to life, to make them happen, without hustling like crazy or drowning in online tech quicksand?

If you’re a professional coach and you have ideas that have been “brewing” in your mind and need help getting out into the world, let’s have a conversation about how I can help you do that.

Elizabeth Lovius - Leadership Coach, Mentor and Social Entrepreneur specialising in giving leaders headspace to let their wisdom lead. She is an international speaker, author and award winning trainer and facilitator. And she co-founded the The Wisdom and Wellbeing Consultancy and The Wisdom and Wellbeing Collective CIC both established to kickstart a wellbeing revolution.

Lafaya Mitchell - Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Founder of  The Lafaya Way, an advanced relational approach for effective interactions in difficult interpersonal relationships, speaker and author of  The Lafaya Way book series.

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