Have you ever got excited about a strategy to grow your business?

.. creating an online course

.. setting up an online event

.. finally starting that mailing list

.. making that change to the website (without messing everything up ?)

.. starting a podcast, etc.

You get to work enthusiastically but find

.. you’re getting lost in researching all the options, unsure how to choose the right one

.. before you know it you’re spending your day trying to figure out how to integrate Stripe and what on earth an API key is

Nothing builds up frustration quicker than too steep a learning curve.

The task ends up in the “too hard basket”, and what looked like a brilliant strategy ends up being just another idea that never went anywhere.

? Keep it simple! It’s so tempting to get carried away. A simple solution implemented is way better than a sophisticated one that doesn’t get done.

? Google everything! Seems obvious but often people don’t think of googling an error message, or a question they have. Chances are you’re not alone and an answer in some forum often gives you the hint that leads to the solution.

? Get help! You may feel you can’t afford to outsource or hire someone to help you implement your idea. The question is, can you afford not to?

What have you been meaning to implement?

When you’re ready to bring your idea to life let’s talk, I can help.

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