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Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn’t seem true for yours let’s talk.
“I’m not a morning person. I do my best work in the afternoon/evening, I can’t concentrate before that.”
“I love mornings. I love how much I get done during those interruption free early morning hours.”
How do these two get on? Quite alright. They’re both me.
All through school, uni and most of my professional life I would have sworn that I can’t get anything decent done in the morning. Typical creative night owl. That’s just how I am.
Until a few years ago.
I had to finish a bunch of dresses for an upcoming performance and the only way to have a chance to get it done was to get up at 4am.
The first couple of days were horrible. I was used to going to sleep past midnight and getting up after 3 hours sleep wasn’t fun.
The dresses had to get done though and I got up. On the third day I fell asleep at 9pm. Waking up at 4am the day after was easy.
It was the day I discovered my morning productivity.
No, I don’t get up at 4am every day now but I’ve stopped thinking of myself as a night owl, or a morning person for that matter.
How often do we see ourselves as “I am ..” – a night owl, shy, organized, stupid, a perfectionist ..
What if none of it was permanent? What if none of it was true at all?
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