Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn’t seem true for yours let’s talk.

When you start learning about something entirely new to you it often feels hard. There seems to be so much to take in and explanations often don’t make sense. It’s easy to think “I’m just not good at this”

The thing is, learning is connecting something unknown to something known and when you don’t have a lot of “knowns” to plug in new concepts or information it feels like hard work.

But with every bit of the map you explore (see Daily Spark 032 if you’re not sure what I’m talking about) things get easier.

If you’ve ever learned a foreign language or played an instrument or took a dance class you know what I mean.

It works the same for online marketing, even if it doesn’t look like it if you’re new to it. Will you have the patience to keep learning until it becomes easy?

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