“I don’t have time for that”, how many times do we say that about something we want to do.
Of course we don’t. Nobody has big holes in their agenda. We fill our time with things to do and when we want to do something new we need to shuffle things around to MAKE the time.
So the question becomes “Is this new thing fun and/or important enough to drop something else?” There is no right or wrong answer.


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I can’t remember how many times I said “I don’t have time for that” to something I really wanted to do. A bbq with friends on a Sunday afternoon, a trip to visit my parents in Germany, a course or coaching program..

.. until I realized that I’ll never be able to hop off the hamster wheel if I keep saying no to the things that can help me find my feet once I’m off. When I thought of hopping off my very own sewing business hamster wheel the sense of “everything will collapse” was really strong but ..

Every time I couldn’t avoid going on a short holiday I found ideas pouring in, I saw issues from a different perspective and solutions presented themselves after banging my head against a wall for ages.

Jumping off the hamster wheel is scary.  It’s like when there is a flood and you cling to a tree. The rescue helicopter comes and you’re afraid to let go of the tree .. you’re worried you’ll fall and be swept away in the water. The thing is, letting go of the tree is the only way to get into the helicopter, if you keep clinging to the tree chances are you’ll drown.

What would you find time for if you focused on the helicopter, not on the tree?

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