10% of all sales go to Bancosol, a charity who helps provide food for those who don’t have the means. Check them out here https://www.gofundme.com/f/costa-women-pop-up-shop-support-bancosol

So what’s on offer here?

Get your paperback copy of the Taming the Tech Monster book, signed by me. Makes a fabulous gift too 🙂

Get my personal help to tame YOUR tech monster!

“I spent 3 hours on Saturday updating this thing on my website”, I hear often. Boy, we could have done that together in 30 minutes.”, is what I usually think.

So I’m offering On Demand Support for those little projects that take ages and aren’t fun at all if tech isn’t “your thing”.

From working with lots of clients I know that working TOGETHER, via screen share, is the fastest and most enjoyable (for both of us 🙂 way to get things done. 

So if you have a “little project” like

  • setting up Mailchimp (or another email marketing provider)
  • configuring your online scheduling platform
  • setting up online events or workshops
  • making changes to your website that aren’t a full on makeover
  • setting up a facebook page or group, etc.

Book yourself in and we’ll get it done. Use coupon code POPUP for a 30% discount just for popup shop clients.

Curious but not quite sure what you need?

Let’s have a chat first to make a plan. Grab a time here (if you can’t find a time that works for you let me know and we sort it out “manually”).

Got Questions?

Send me a message or get in touch via Facebook

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