The Blog
Daily Spark 054 – Adaptability .. How do you react when things don’t go your way?
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. Sometimes things don't work out the way we thought they would. Sometimes that throws us off, sometimes it doesn't. The thing is, how we handle the unexpected has...
Daily Spark 053 – What are you really selling?
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. People buy what they value. But why do they value what they value? What are you really offering, below the surface of your product's features? How can you help your...
Daily Spark 052 – In a warehouse with a flashlight – when you have a day of doubt
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. Do you ever have a day where you wonder what on earth you're doing? Whether you'll ever be able to pull this business thing off? Whether all the effort you put in is...
Daily Spark 051 – What it takes to be a good client
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. Have you ever felt intimidated by a client who knew so much about your job that they could have done it themselves? Have you ever found that those clients are often the...
Daily Spark 050 – Are you doing your research?
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. When I moved to Granada I quickly realized that the best way to get around town was a scooter. I knew nothing about scooters and I wasn't interested in scooters. But .....
Daily Spark 049 – One thing that limits your creativity
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. So you have an idea. But without the skills to bring it to life you just have an idea. Learning a skill requires time, practice, discipline - all qualities we don't...
Daily Spark 048 – Who is talking you out of your best ideas?
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. So you have an idea. Turning it into a project and eventually into a success is scary. What if it doesn't work out? What will people think? Then you think, "They won't...
Daily Spark 047 – Are your beliefs even yours?
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. We all have habits, well practiced thought patterns and beliefs that govern what we do and how we do it. We often think that's just how we are. What if that wasn't...
Daily Spark 046 – A new name for an evolving project
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. After 45 episodes of daily videos I've decided to change the name. They'll be called "Daily Sparks of Possibility" because after 45 video it's become clear that this is...
Daily Spark 045 – Do you think this could work?
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. The other day someone wrote to me to explain his business idea. At the end he asked "Do you think this could work?" Lots of people have an idea, then they get excited,...
Daily Spark 044 – Life is too short not to do what you love
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. I had plans for what I was going to talk about today. Then I saw a facebook post from someone I spoke to yesterday morning saying yesterday had been the worst day of...
Daily Spark 043 – Do you love making mistakes?
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. Have you ever held back from doing something out of worry you'll make a mistake or get it wrong? I have. But I've also discovered my best sewing techniques and most...
Daily Spark 042 – Why people are inconsiderate
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. Inconsiderate people can really wind me up. In fact, it was one of my main complaints about my "demanding clients" back when I perceived them like that 🙂 The other...
Daily Spark 041 – What your enthusiasm is telling you
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. Kids have plenty of enthusiasm. When we have a spark of inspiration to create something new we're full of enthusiasm. What if that enthusiasm was more than something...
Daily Spark 040 – The fastest way to get clients
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. We're told we need to take action to market our business, ultimately to get clients. What if the most direct way of doing that isn't actually the most effective or the...
Daily Spark 039 – Who to listen to
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. When it comes to building a business there is so much conflicting information out there that it's hard to know who to listen to.. Pop-up not popping up?...
Daily Spark 038 – The Real Power of Simplicity
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. "It sounds so simple when you say it like that", clients often tell me after a conversation about a challenge they're facing in their business. What's the power of...
Daily Spark 037 – I’m not a morning person, or am I?
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. "I'm not a morning person. I do my best work in the afternoon/evening, I can't concentrate before that." "I love mornings. I love how much I get done during those...
Daily Spark 036 – All that tech stuff is doing my head in
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. “I know I need to market my business online but I just HATE all the tech stuff. Maybe I should just hire a 25 year old to do it all for me.” I get it. We all have...
Website, Funnels, Facebook Ads .. – All This Tech Stuff Does My Head In
"I know I need to market my business online but I just HATE all the tech stuff. Maybe I should just hire a 25 year old to do it all for me." I saw this little vent in a facebook group. The geek in me screamed, "Wait BUT .." on so many levels that it inspired a Daily...
Daily Spark 035 – Treading Water
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. When I started out as a coach the feeling of enthusiasm was soon replaced by a sense of treading water - doing lots of exhausting work but not getting anywhere. What...
Daily Spark 034 – The actual steps I took to start my business
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. People often ask how I came to quit my job, move to Spain and start a sewing business. I usually talk about the motivation behind the move but never about the steps I...
Daily Spark 033 – Learning something new is hard but only in the beginning
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. When you start learning about something entirely new to you it often feels hard. There seems to be so much to take in and explanations often don't make sense. It's easy...
Daily Spark 032 – The learning process
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. When you build your own business you'll have to constantly learn new things and it can feel like you've opened a can or worms .. every time you think you've got the...
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