The Blog

Passion Business Podcast – Episode 34: Rennie Gabriel – Wealth on Any Income

Passion Business Podcast – Episode 34: Rennie Gabriel – Wealth on Any Income

My guest today is a TEDx speaker and he’s the author of the award winning best selling book wealth on any income After two divorces and at business failure he was flat broke at the age of 50 and started all over from scratch After learning what was not taught from all his financial education He became a multimillionaire in just a few years And he’s on a mission to help as many people as possible Find their wealth on any income You’re in for a real treat Welcome Rennie Gabriel

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This Dog Raised Me – Bodo

This Dog Raised Me – Bodo

This dog raised me. Well, not alone of course 😉 Bodo. He was the dog my dad had begged his parents to get when he was a child. He stayed with my grandparents when dad left for uni. When I was born dad hadn't finished uni. Mum had to go back to work weeks after giving...

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Being a Guest on the Teachable Soul Podcast with Kat Daniels

Being a Guest on the Teachable Soul Podcast with Kat Daniels

“I created this podcast because we cannot possibly live long enough to make all of the mistakes ourselves. Let’s take a few moments to learn from the mistakes of others! “Story telling” or “Teachable moments” provide us with a vast reference base of real life. ” This is how Kat Daniels describes the intention for her podcast. The moment I saw it I know I’d love to be a guest.

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Passion Business Podcast – Episode 32: Danny Iny – Turn Your Expertise Into An Online Business

Passion Business Podcast – Episode 32: Danny Iny – Turn Your Expertise Into An Online Business

My guest today is Danny Iny, a leading voice in the world of online courses. He has been featured or contributed to numerous publications including the Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, Inc., Forbes, and Business Insider, has spoken at places like Yale University and Google, and he’s the author of several books including Teach and Grow Rich, and Leveraged Learning, and a new book he talked about in this episode.

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Don’t Ask for LIKES – How To Make Your Facebook Page Work For You

Don’t Ask for LIKES – How To Make Your Facebook Page Work For You

Facebook pages are dead. Facebook pages aren’t dead. Everybody has an opinion. Most people “fly blind” when it comes to using Facebook effectively for their business.

Turns out there are ways to use your Facebook page that help you reach the right people, without sleazy methods or gambling your savings on ads ..

Fiona Catchpowle, aka fabulous CyberGran, shared no fluff, actionable tips for getting the most out of your Facebook page.

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Anke Herrmann -

Taming the Tech Monster

From Passion to Boutique Business
Hi, I'm Anke Herrmann - Business Coach. Online Tech Mentor. Podcast host. Author.

I gently guide professional coaches and service-based business owners through the process of moving away from selling (too much) time for (too little) money and instead building a Boutique Business where a premium offer + savvy systems + connection-first marketing = freedom, ease and impact without burnout or scaling the soul out of it.

If you wish there was a way to offer and deliver your services online without the tech headaches, get in touch to schedule a conversation to explore how I can help you.


Originally from Germany, I moved to Australia, later the UK, before settling in the south of Spain in 2004.

My wisest teachers are called Leo, Cai, Hada and Lea. They have four legs and wet noses. I'm grateful they found me.

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