The Blog
Daily Spark 007 – On growing up in East Germany or What’s at stake?
When we set out to do something how much we think is at stake determines how carefree or fearful we approach the task. Growing up, well, getting out of East Germany before the wall came down changed my perspective on what really is at stake when it comes...
Daily Spark of Inspiration 006 – Your Passion: To Find Or To Be Found
You'd love to follow your passion if you just knew what that was? You're not alone. Most people don't have this one big thing they know they want to do for the rest of their lives. You can have more than one. You can let it find you. Here is the article...
Daily Spark of Inspiration 005 – Am I On The Right Path?
When we start a business or set out to do anything new we usually have some expectation in our minds about how long it should take to make it successful. Then we forget that we made that time frame up. What if there was no rush? Pop-up not popping up?...
Daily Spark of Inspiration 004 – Getting a Lift
Life as an entrepreneur is busy, sometimes so busy that we can barely function. Still, we often feel we don't have time to stop long enough to even think about how to get some relief. I've certainly fallen into this trap more often than I care to admit....
Daily Spark of Inspiration 003 – Getting it Wrong
Do you struggle to make a decision because you're worried you're getting it wrong? If you do you're not alone. Working hard to get everything right sounds like the "right thing" to do. But what's wrong with getting it wrong? Pop-up not popping up?...
Daily Spark of Inspiration 002 – What will people think
How often do we hold back from doing something we'd love to do because we worry what people will think? Why this makes no sense .. Pop-up not popping up? Click here.
Daily Spark of Inspiration 001 – What makes you come most alive?
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come most alive. Then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Howard Thurman Life is too short to live any other way! PS: Here is the link to that...
Turning Your Passion Into A Business Is Hard. What If It Wasn’t?
I was one of 12 speakers at the Coaching Connect Conference, ‘Clear Head – Quiet Mind’ in Devon, UK, in November 2017. Starting my own business has been the most rewarding and at the same time most challenging thing I've done so far. So when Liz Scott and...
When Everyone Says It’s Nonsense But You Just KNOW
This video was first published as a facebook live in my group "What Makes You Come Most Alive? Do That." If you just know that there is more to life than going through the motions, 9-5, counting the days until it's Friday, if you just know that you need to...
“Sew in the Flow” 8 Week Sewing Business Mentoring Pilot Program: Looking for 5 Ladies
If you're a member of the Ingenious Sewing Professionals Network you know I've been talking about ways to help you create a sewing business that's fun and pays the bills (and leaves you time to have a life) for a while. Well, it's time to stop talking and...
Working from home – loneliness is not the only challenge and it isn’t going to solve all your problems
When I started my sewing business I knew I wanted to work from home, at least in the early days. Rent for a studio was an expense I didn't want to worry about until I knew this crazy idea of mine had legs to stand on. I also looked forward to zero commute...
Life Is Like A Video Game – It’s Fun Once You Know The Rules
?? Playing a video game can be fun once you know the rules .. what if real life was the same? I'm not into video games, even less when they involve combating aliens and shooting people. The few times I tried I was given brief, very basic instructions and then handed...
Is it too late to start again?
When you've been in the game for ages and the thought that you've got another 20+ years of the same ahead of you makes you want to jump off a cliff but turning around to start something brand new seems impossible to do (and a giant waste of the time already invested...
It’s Your Job To Get Your Creative Gift Out Into The World
It's My Mission To Help You Do It "Do not ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Our unlimited potential to create - the ability to bring something...
Starting A Sewing Business Or Want Yours To Run More Smoothly? Your Questions Answered.
Starting and running your own sewing business is quite an adventure and knowing where to go for support and to get your questions answered is super helpful. I'm on a mission to offer that support. If you're a member of the Ingenious Sewing Professionals Network...
Valentina Patternmaking Software – First Impressions
In a recent post I talked about why I couldn't live without patternmaking software, which solutions I've used, and I promised I'd give Valentina a spin. Patternmaking Software Valentina - In Short: So far I really like it. In fact, it is the type of solution I was...
Pattern Making Software – Which one to choose if you’re a professional dressmaker
What to look for I can't answer that for you. What you need and want depends on how you work and how comfortable you are using (or learning to use) this kind of tool. The only way to really find out is to experiment. You can't ask for what you don't know exists and...
Tried to Learn Spanish But Still Not Speaking?
The other day a neighbour asked whether I could teach her Spanish. She is from the UK and has been living here in Granada for about 9 months. I don't usually teach Spanish (even though I started out as a foreign language teacher) - I run my own sewing business...
What People Said After a Coaching Conversation
What prompted you to book the session? I always knew that I wanted to start my own business, but it always seemed like a little more than I could handle. When I decided that it was time to go for it, I knew I needed to talk to someone who'd been there before. Anke was...
Going Through Walls, Uncertainty and Being Flamenco – A Podcast Interview
Whatever your journey is, going somewhere new requires taking risks and dealing with uncertainty. It's where our fears come up, and the temptation to just stay put. London based banker Ben Cattaneo loves the topic and talks about it with his AllThingsRisk...
Overcoming Procrastination
Are you too one of those people who do everything at the last minute and then beat yourself up because you feel you could or should have done a better job? Do you want to start a business, write a book, study, or whatever it is you’d love to do but somehow never get...
Every Creative Project Has a U-Shape
Todd Henry, author of Louder Than Words: Harness the Power of Your Authentic Voice, The Accidental Creative and Die Empty, founder of Accidental Creative, talks about how Every creative project has a U-shape. It’s like walking into a canyon. In the beginning you look...
Client Success Story: Vanessa Hilton
Client Success Story “With Anke’s coaching, I have seen my sales, operations and productivity improve on a daily basis. But most surprising of all is the change I have felt in myself. I don’t have time for sabotaging and worrying anymore, because I am busy running a...
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