The Blog
Daily Spark 031 – The most important ingredient for a successful business
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. Marie Forleo recently talked about the 3 keys to business success and, while I've forgotten Nº 2 and 3, I remember Nº1 because I whole- heartedly agree: Patience. We...
Daily Spark 030 – How creative is your marketing?
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. What if marketing was nothing else than helping the people who need and want what you offer find you. What if you treated marketing as one of your creative projects?...
Daily Spark 029 – Life would be so much easier if I just had ..
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. Life would be so much easier if I just .. - had more money - had more time - lived somewhere else - had the uni degree I never finished Whatever it is for you (I'm...
Daily Spark 028 – Feeling frustrated about how your business goes?
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. Do you sometimes feel frustrated about - where you're at with your business - not having enough time to do what you want to do - not having more money - the people in...
Daily Spark 027 – The plumber or the architect? Who are you going to call?
Building a creative business is simple. If that doesn't seem true for yours let's talk. There are so many different kinds of coaches offering all types of services that it can be confusing. I like to compare building business with building a house. At some...
Daily Spark 026 – Can you handle silence?
We live in a noisy world - talking to people, listening to music, watching tv, videos, social media .. there is a non-stop stream of input. We're not used to silence and many of us don't handle it well. When we have a problem we seek more information. What...
Daily Spark 025 – Building a Business Is Simple
Business itself is simple, we're the ones who make things complicated with our expectations, our beliefs, the meaning we give things. As Steve Chandler says (I'm paraphrasing) .. When something feels hard it just means you believe a bunch of stuff that...
Daily Spark 024 – What would you regret?
My grandma's story - her waiting her whole life for the chance to do the things she'd love to do and passing away "with the music still inside her" - has been a driver for pretty much everything I do - moving countries, changing careers, starting a...
Daily Spark 023 – Intimidated by the competition?
When we find out about someone else offering the same we do, or when we meet someone who is way ahead of us in an area we'd love to be further ahead our default reaction tends to be a pang of jealousy mixed with a dosage of fear. But there is another way...
Daily Spark 022 – Do watch your competition
While it makes no sense to give too much attention to the competition, knowing what others in your market are up to and charging can save you from leaving a lot of money on the table. Pop-up not popping up? Click here.
Daily Spark 021 – Don’t watch your competition
Competition - I don't even like the word. Other people offering the same as you or something similar isn't a bad thing. It definitely isn't something you want to focus your energy on. By all means, know what other people are doing in your industry but when...
Daily Spark 020 – When you need this before you can do that
"I need to finish my website before I can talk to people about my services" "I need to take more classes before I can start speaking Spanish to people" While I'm the first one to say throwing yourself into the deep end without knowing anything is a waste...
Daily Spark 019 – When Family Isn’t Supportive of Your Business Building Efforts
Building a business takes up a lot of our time and energy and it is pretty common for our partners and family to say things that let us conclude that they don't support our efforts. The thing is we're dealing with their expectations, our expectations, our...
Daily Spark 018 – The perfect age to start your business
I started my business when I was 39. I thought it was fairly late to change tack again but I've since met ladies who were well in their 60ies. Others started to work for themselves right out of the gate. There is really only one age that's perfect .....
Daily Spark 017 – The 3 Stages of Business Building
There are 3 stages every entrepreneur goes through on the journey of building their business. I'm here to help you through stage 2 before the enthusiasm and passion that got you started gets lost in the struggle. Pop-up not popping up?...
Daily Spark 016 – About getting more focused
When we do all the right things and work really hard but still don't see the results we want we often look for ways to get more focussed, to work even harder. What if there was a better way to get results? Pop-up not popping up? Click here....
Daily Spark 015 – Out of Reach
I finally went to SIMOF, the most important fashion show for flamenco fashion, held each year in Seville. Ever since I got involved with flamenco fashion I looked up to the designers who exhibited their work there. Now, after seeing things from close up,...
Daily Spark 014 – When You’re Having a Crap Day
Building a business is like a roller coaster ride. You have super exciting days and you have shitty days - those days when everything looks bleak and you feel you'll never make it. On a day like this there are a couple of things worth remembering.. Pop-up...
Daily Spark 013 – More isn’t necessarily better: Go deeper rather than wider
We are swamped with tons of information. There is always the next book, the next technique, the next course that promises all the answers. What if you took a fresh look at something you think you already know? Pop-up not popping up? Click here.
Daily Spark 012 – What makes you make time?
Sometimes we spend a lot of time thinking, "I really should do some exercise" but never get around to actually doing it .. until something changes and you make a decision. What pushes the thing over the edge for you? Pop-up not popping up?...
Daily Spark 011 – I don’t have time for that
"I don't have time for that", how many times do we say that about something we want to do. Of course we don't. Nobody has big holes in their agenda. We fill our time with things to do and when we want to do something new we need to shuffle things around to...
Daily Spark 010 – You’re too nice
"You're too nice", my mum would say when I let other kids copy my homework. I heard it while I was at uni and later at the office. When someone asked me to do something my default answer was YES. I kept doing that when I started my own business and what I...
Daily Spark 009 – Be a Conscious Client
When we want to learn how to market and sell our services we turn to all kinds of different resources. But there is a powerful one that we often overlook. Pop-up not popping up? Click here.
Daily Spark 008 – Charging Your Worth (or not)
Women entrepreneurs are often encouraged to "charge their worth". The intention is well meaning, no doubt, trying to help women to stop undercharging. But telling you to "charge your worth" brings "you" into the equation in a way that's less than helpful...
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