? Be careful what you ask for .. you might just get it ..
.. and still not have your problem solved (rant alert ?)
A friend just called and asked how to get a video onto a Powerpoint slide.
After some digging it turned out what he was really looking for was a way to organize an extensive book library.
That changes everything and opens a whole lot of other options ..
It’s so common.
Clients for software projects asking for “a page with a button” when they really need an efficient way to get documents approved by the right people.
Flamenco dancers asking for “a skirt tight down to the knees” when they’re really looking for a skirt that lets them move freely but doesn’t make them look fat on stage.
Aspiring podcast hosts asking for “the best microphone” when they’re really looking for a simple way to record interviews without losing sound quality.
You get the gist ?
It’s so common that Rule Number 1 in software development is, “NEVER do what the client asks for!”
The thing is, not solving the right problem sends you down a rabbit hole of frustration AND you miss out on the often simple solution that would make your life so much easier.
Need help finding the right problem in order to ask the right questions? Get in touch.