Might want to check out some of these tools later?

As more people create videos on LinkedIn the topic of captions has come up a lot lately.
iPhone users can use the Clips app that adds captions to videos automatically while they record the video.

At this time there isn’t an equivalent for Android so I’ve explored a few options to add captions to my videos (without having to buy an iPhone 🙂

In this video I share what I tried and what I found to work best.

For caption generation I looked at:

  • Youtube automatic captions
  • Youtube captions editor
  • rev.com (a service offering transcription and caption service where real people do the job)
  • kapwing.com (a platform allowing you to generate your own captions)
  • Facebook video editor
  • Aegisub.org (open source software to create captions) – watch the video from minute 14:28 for a demo of how to use it

For getting the captions onto a video I looked at:

  • Handbrake.fr
  • VLC media player
  • DivX4PSP
  • Easy Video Maker
  • UPDATE September 2019: kapwing.com/subtitles

By far the easiest way: Kapwing

1. export Aegisub captions as .srt

2. go to https://www.kapwing.com/subtitles (register for free to remove watermark on the output video)

3. upload .srt file

4. format as you want

5. Click CREATE

6. Download the video

Quick, easy and free!!

For a full tutorial on how to use Kapwing to edit your video and add captions go here.

Conclusion – My favourite options:

Aegisub.org + XviD4PSP for full control (Update: when I tried to install XviD4PSP on my new PC the trial version wasn’t available. I found Easy Video Maker to be an easy to use alternative with a truly free trial version, although it didn’t entirely respect the Aegisub subtitle formatting)

UPDATE September 2019 Favourites: Aegisub.org + kapwing.com/subtitles or kapwing.com/subtitles for both


Rev.comXviD4PSP / kapwing.com/subtitles when there is no time to create the subtitles myself


UPDATE January 2021 – Favourite tool by far for both creation and burning Descript.com


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