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If you’re in the early stages of your business and feel like you’re pushing a huge boulder up a hill this 8:29 minute episode is for you.

When I talk about starting my sewing business the early days usually sound like, “Orders just started to come in ..” and today I want to talk about what that REALLY looked like.

Do it your way but not alone

And yes, building a business is much quicker, easier and more fun with support. If you’re curious if and how I can help you get traction with your business let’s chat.

I’m not sharing this story to discourage you, on the contrary.

I’m not suggesting getting your business off the ground has to take that long or be that hard. If I were to start again, knowing what I know now, there are plenty of things I’d do differently.

I’m not saying you should blindly carry on doing something that doesn’t bring results. Remember .. doing the same things and expecting different results is Einstein’s definition of insanity 🙂

It’s about not taking setbacks personally, it’s about approaching business building as a series of experiments, it’s about carrying on with determination to find what works for you, it’s about learning, it’s about taking risks and making mistakes, it’s about growing as a person.

It’s about appreciating and enjoying the hike, not just about reaching the summit.

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